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專書 (Books)

  1. 林楚卿,《數位製造是什麼? 如何成為maker的入門介紹書》預計出版: 

  2. 劉育東,林楚卿,《新建构--迈向数字建筑的新理论》北京:中國建筑工业出版社. 出版: 2012. 01. ISBN 978-7-112-13589-9.

  3. Liu, Y. -T. and Lim, C.-K. 2009. New Tectonics: Towards a New Theory of Digital Architecture: 7th Feidad Award. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser. June 2009. ISBN: 978-3-7643-8691-7

  4. 劉育東,林楚卿. 《新構築: 邁向數位建築的新理論:第七屆遠東國際數位建築設計獎》. 田園城市文化事業有限公司. 出版: 2009. 07. ISBN: 978-986-7009-63-0.



期刊 (Journals)

  1. Chen, Z. -R, Lim, C.-K. and Hsao, W.-Y. 2015. “Comparisons of practice progress of digital design and fabrication in freeform architecture.” Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (JIPE). (收錄於 EI, TSSCI)

  2. 林楚卿, 徐業良. 2014. 〈Steps & Flowers-居家環境下銀髮族多元互動平台之開發與商品化應用〉. 《福祉科技與服務管理期刊》. Vol 3(2). pp. 131-144.

  3. 盧俊銘, 徐業良, 陳亮恭, 林楚卿, 2014.以行動科技為基礎的互動式高齡失智者治療與照護環境之創新設計. 《福祉科技與服務管理期刊》 Vol 3(2). Pp.145-150.

  4. Lim, C.-K. 2013. “How To Incorporate CAD/CAM Fabrication Into A Basic Design Studio? A Preliminary Framework for the “E-Basic Design Studio".” Parc Research in Architecture and Construction, vol. 4 (2) pp. 7-18.

  5. 林楚卿. 2013. 〈望春風:失智老人創意應用產品及情境回憶空間概念設計〉. 《福祉科技與服務管理學刊》. pp123-132.

  6. Lim, C.-K. 2010. “A framework of CAD/CAM design and construction process for freeform architecture: a case study.” International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC), vol. 8 (3) pp. 301-318, (收錄於 EI )

  7. Liu, Y.-T and Lim, C.-K. 2006. New Tectonics: A preliminary framework involving classic and digital thinking. Design Studies 27:3, pp 267-307. (SCI)


研討會 (Conferences)

2019~2022 to be updated.

  1. Chang, Y.L., Lim, C.K., Chou, C.M., Huang, H., Sun, T.L., Liu, I. C. (2019, Dec). Using facial emotion recognition to observe the emotional changes of the elderly playing the pillow type device. The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2019). Kanazawa City, Japan.

  2. Huang, H., Lim, C.K., Sun, T.L., Chou, C.M., Liu, I. C. (2019, Oct). Evaluation of Elderly Gaming Devices Using OpenPose. The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019). Taoyuan, Taiwan.

  3. Lim, C.-K. (2019, Jul). Pillow Fight: Application of Conductive fabric technology in activities for dementia. Physical Ergonomics and Human Factor, the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2019) Washington D.C. USA.

  4. Lim, C.-K. (2019, Jul). “Pillow Fight” Board Game Design. 21 st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, Florida, USA.

  5. Lim, C.-K. Mingchih Huang, Fang-Yu Chen (2018, Oct). Application AR in field experience education: development of teaching aids in Chinese literature and Taoyuan local culture. ICETC '18: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers., Tokyo.

  6. Lim, C.-K. 2018. Digi-Craft: A creative process in form finding beyond the accuracy of 3D printing .HCII 2018. Volume 28, CCIS_850.

  7. Lim, C.-K. 2018. Digi-Craft: A form finding process beyond the accuracy of 3D printing. The 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences (AHFE 2018). Florida, USA.

  8. Lim, C.-K. 2018. Digi-Craft: A creative process beyond the accuracy of 3D printing. The 8th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'18 OR DCC18). Milan, Italy. (Poster Accepted)

  9. Lim, C.-K. 2016. Memory of Things (MoT) Interactive memory product design. Best Demo Award. 2nd  International Conference on Digital Fabrication. Tokyo.

  10. Lim, C.-K. 2016. Memory of Things (MoT) Interactive old things memory system. The 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Olando.

  11. Lim, C.-K. 2015. Memory of Things (MoT): Interactive memory product design. In 2nd International Conference on Digital Fabrication. (paper accepted)

  12. Lim, C.-K. 2015. Memory of Things (MoT) - Interactive product design for the senior’s reminiscence activity. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015).

  13. Lim, C.-K. 2014.  “Designers are Makers: Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Digital Design Studio.” In ACTION! – Doing Design Education: The International DesignEd Asia Conference. pp. 108-114. 錄取率少於20% *

  14. Lim, C.-K. 2014. “The implementation of 3D Printing in customized interactive design for Elderly Welfare Technology.” The 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol 435, pp. 299-303.

  15. Lim, C.-K. 2014.  “The application of Emotional Design and 3D Printing for Elderly Interactive Product Design: An interactive customized planter design.” The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014), Gerontechnology 2014 Vol 13(2). pp. 246.

  16. Lim, C.-K. 2014. “Waters: An Interactive 3d-Printed Customized Planter Design for the Elderly,” The 19th International Conference of The Association of Computer-aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014).

  17. Lim, C.-K. 2013. “An Insight Into Design Thinking Of Parametric Design.” The 47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA). pp. 157-166.

  18. Lim, C.-K. 2013. “Application of Kinect Technology in the Design of Interactive Products for Chinese Senior Citizens.” The 15th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction (HCII2013), pp. 157.

  19. Chen, Z. -R, Lim, C.-K. and Hsao, W.-Y. 2012. “Digital Design And Construction Progress In Architecture” International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM).

  20. Lim, C.-K. 2012. “Inspiration From The Chinese Culture In Gerontechnology” ISG*ISARC2012.

  21. Lim, C.-K. 2010. “Towards a Framework for CAD/CAM Design and Construction Process in Freeform Architecture: A Case Study.” Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2010), pp. 51-64.

  22. Lim, C.-K. 2010. Towards a framework for CAD/CAM design and construction process in freeform architecture: a case study. In Proceedings of AsCAAD 2010. Fez, Morocco, Pp51-63.

  23. Lim, C.-K. 2010. A teaching Framework of "E-Basic Design Studio" . In Proceedings of Sigradi 2010. Bogotá, Colombia, Pp.22-P.25.

  24. Lim, C.-K. 2010.A Preliminary Study for a Teaching Framework that Incorporates CAD/CAM Media into the Basic Design Studio. In Proceedings of Education in Computer Aided Architecture Design in Europe (eCAADe 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, Pp.41-50.

  25. Lim, C.-K. 2009. Digital CAD/CAM media realize Chinese Calligraphic aesthetics in architectural design. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2009), Yunlin, Taiwan, Pp.225-234.

  26. Lim, C.-K. 2006. From concept to realization. In Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 2006). Louisville, Kentucky, Pp.386-391

  27. Lim, C.-K. 2006. Towards a framework for digital design process: In terms of CAD/CAM fabrication. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2006). Kumamoto, Japan. Pp.245-252.

  28. Lim, C.-K., Tang, C.-H., Hsao, W.-Y., Hou, J.-H., Liu, Y.-T. 2006. New media in digital design process: Towards a standardize procedure of CAD/CAM fabrication. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2006). Kumamoto, Japan. Pp.597-599.

  29. Lim, C.-K. and Liu, Y.-T. 2005. New tectonics: new factors in digital spaces. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2005). New Delhi, India. pp.45-59.

  30. Wu, Y.-L, Lim, C.-K., Hou, J.-H. and Lee, Y.-J. 2005. Multiple Digital Media in Realizing Future Spaces. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2005). New Delhi, India. pp.314-319.

  31. Lim, C.-K. 2004. A Revolution of the Design Process. In Proceedings of Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CAADRIA 2004). Soul, Korea. pp.571-583.

  32. Lim, C.-K. 2003. An insight into the freedom of using a pen: pen-based system and pen-and-paper. In Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 2003). Indianapolis, Indiana. pp. 382-391.

  33. Lim, C.-K. 2003. G Pen: An intelligent designer's playmate. In Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 2003). Indianapolis, Indiana. pp. 400-407.

  34. Lim, C.-K. 2003. Is a pen-based system just another pen or more than a pen? In Proceedings of Education in Computer Aided Architecture Design in Europe (eCAADe 2003). Gratz, Austria. pp. 615-622.

  35. Lee, Y.-Z., Lim, C.-K. and Liu, Y.-T. 2003. Multiple Digital Media in Realizing Various Urban Spaces: Project 2050 Taiwan. In Proceedings of Education in Computer Aided Architecture Design in Europe (eCAADe 2003). Gratz, Austria. pp. 237-245.

  36. Lim, C.-K. 2003. Neural Pen. In Proceedings of Education in Computer Aided Architecture Design in Europe (eCAADe 2003). Graz, Austria.



  1. 劉育東,林楚卿, 2010.〈新构筑--迈向数码建筑的新理论〉《城市建築》(哈爾濱工葉大學建築學院主編), vol. 6 (69), pp.6-9.

  2. 劉育東,李元榮,林楚卿, 2010.〈数码建筑的东方案例--水墨狂草与复兴楼中央数码空间〉 《城市建築》(哈爾濱工葉大學建築學院主編), vol. 6 (69), pp.87-89.

  3. 林楚卿﹐劉育東,2007,從建構數位模型到打造實體空間: 狂草建築,氣韻生動,營建知訊,no. 296:P4-6。

  4. 林楚卿﹐劉育東,2007,狂草建築 (Calligraphic Architecture),城市建築,no. 35:P39-40。

  5. 劉育東﹐林楚卿,2005,新構築:數位時代的一套建築思考,台灣建築,no. 122:P72-75。




  1. 林楚卿,2015.「物.憶.網」(Memory of Things, MoT):高齡者之懷舊互動產品設計.  福祉科技與服務管理研討會

  2. 鄭家凱; 林楚卿; 徐業良 2015.. 失智症患者非藥物治療之互動裝置設計. 2015福祉科技與服務管理研討會

  3. 林楚卿,2015.「複製文化、列印創意」大溪神將文創設計應用. 2015 台閩文化與社會實踐:大溪神將的調查、研究與文創

  4. 林楚卿,2013. 吋草音。伴生活.2013福祉科技與服務管理研討會, pp. 9-10.

  5. 林楚卿. 2008,CAD/CAM數位設計媒材實現具東方美學之建築空間: 以「水墨狂草」設計案為例, 第二屆2008當代水墨雙年展暨論文發表研討會. Pp.192-207.



學位論文 (Degree Thesis)

1. 林楚卿. 2007. 利用CAD/CAM媒材提升數位設計與建造過程之探討 (A better digital design process using CAD/CAM fabrication). 博士論文, 交通大學土木工程學系(建築組)

2. 林楚卿. 2003. 筆式系統只是一支筆或多於筆? (Is a pen-based system just another pen or more than a pen?) 碩士論文, 交通大學建築研究所.

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